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There is hope in this world

Writer's Digest says "Outstanding book! 5 out of 5"

Read the Judge’s review:

RIGHT TO THE SOUL: INSPIRATIONAL STORIES by Janet Austin — is an amazing book by an amazing author. Janet Austin clearly cares about people and is devout. Reading this book is a joy. Her wit and style of writing make the reader sorry when the book must end! The good news is that it’s easy to go back to the beginning. I really can’t choose a favorite story. They are all excellent. Yes, I did find out about the million dollar blanket, as the back cover promised. I can see why she wanted to throw it out!

The front cover is lovely. I like the symbol of the Holy Spirit. On the back, I love the expression “Pain is inevitable; being grumpy is optional.” Yes, it’s true although it’s hard not to be grumpy sometimes! The back cover blurb is expertly written. I love her attitude toward prayer. I also like the author photo, and the author bio is excellent. Anyone who can keep such a great attitude while fighting spinal injuries is someone worth knowing!

Inside, the unexpected flip story is wonderful! What an astounding book! I hope millions of people find and read it.

Judge, 27th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.

Janet Austin Interview on

Jesus Loves You host Pastor Vijay Christie interviews Janet about her book Right To The Soul. Part 1 of 2.

Janet Austin Interview on

Jesus Loves You host Pastor Vijay Christie interviews Janet about her book Right To The Soul. Part 2 of 2.

A source of encouragement in a world where God often seems absent.

“By reflecting on the ­included ­Scriptures as well as the online study, slowly you will be ­replacing the world’s drama and tragedy with lifesaving beauty. Plus, you are on a level playing field. Janet is just like you and me—a person who has made mistakes and has faced challenges while on her journey, yet Janet knows to Whom to turn.”

“In Janet Austin’s story, Prayer Word Scramble, we are reminded that the words silent and listen have exactly the same letters. Hmm, an important realization in this noisy world.”

– Renee Bondi, Author, Recording Artist, Speaker

Read comments about the Bible Study:

Janet Austin’s Right to the Soul Bible Study Guide is an absolutely perfect tool for both seasoned believers and newcomers in the Christian faith! Utilizing the author’s vignette series, Right to the Soul, this guided tour through the Holy Bible provides a fresh perspective on the prominent and hidden gem sections of the Bible. I deeply enjoyed participating in the study as it as allowed me to gain an exceptional degree of insight regarding my walk. The Study’s ingenious design is ideal for both a group and solo journey into faith in Christ. The thoughtful and engaging action plans invite the active learner residing in all of us to emerge! I eagerly recommend this study to literally anyone!
– Jaecyn Knickerbocker

 Janet brings to life how God uses our circumstances for His good purposes through her down-to-earth short stories. And these stories, in Right to the Soul, branch into huge enlightenments in the Bible Study Guide where they guide the user into His truths just like the pattern of Psalm 23. There is a lot to think about, & a lot of Scripture to support it.
The study pulls Scripture from Old and New Testaments consistently throughout to show Jesus was there in the plan, from the get-go. Believers, especially new believers, need to know that right away.
The Bible Study provides a comprehensive Scripture-based approach to enhance your prayer life and deepen your relationship with our Lord and Savior. This study would be a whole semester at a Bible College. What is especially nice is that it is written and presented as if a dear friend was sitting next to you, telling you their stories, and firmly but lovingly guiding one to His truth. This is truly a blessing.

– Sharon Bowman

Janet, with her deep “eyes of faith”, has a wonderful way of seeing God in everyday situations, both big and small, and telling of personal experiences that touch your heart and soul. She goes even deeper in her study to expound on who God is and the hope we have in Christ through Scripture and historical support. Refreshing study that encourages the sojourner to open the eyes of his/her own heart to experience a personal relationship with Christ himself/herself.
– Joanie Laxson

When I read the Bible, it’s kind of like reading Shakespeare; I don’t really get it sometimes. In other words, I feel like a kindergartener sometimes when I’m reading the Bible because I had no religious background, but this study helped me understand a little bit more about the Bible, Jesus and God. So, as someone who really doesn’t know much about the Bible and is very new to this, it was compelling to read the Right to the Soul book & Bible Study Guide stories and have those explained to me.
I would probably call this study a kind of cliff note on the history of Jesus, God, and the Bible. It’s sort of a stepping stone to then go to the Bible and not get discouraged because I don’t understand what’s going on.
I have referred this study to my ex-neighbor in California who is Christian, as she helps me to understand God and the Bible at times. And I would refer to others also.
I myself have not heard God speak directly to me. However, when all the very bad stuff happened to me in California and I had to buy a house in Milwaukee without actually seeing it in person, I feel like there might have been angels protecting me about where to buy and where not to buy, and protecting me and my mom and my three dogs while we drove across the country for five days. There were a lot of coincidental things that happened, that seemed very ironic. My takeaway on that was I wondered if I was being watched over.
I think my takeaway from the study was that even though I already talk out loud to God since my unfortunate events, I was never sure if he was hearing me. So it was encouraging to know that he probably is. And it was encouraging to have it said to me that I need to ask for whatever it is that I am looking for or want. I’m a really good giver; I’m just not a very good taker.

– KyleAnn Wood

    Existential stories (experiences) that are illuminated with a spiritual context, which are backed by Scripture. For new believers, this study provides an introduction and understanding of spiritual analysis. I did this study with my wife, and it gave us a great springboard for discussion of deep spiritual values.
– Glenn Laxson

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Grumpy (Cat) Optional


Grumpy Is Optional


Grumpy is Optional: Dark Colors Men’s/Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee


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