Reflection & Discovery
If feeling stressed isn’t bad enough, it’s worsened by the guilt of not being able to handle your issues because, after all, God wouldn’t give you more than you can handle, right? Wrong! God does give us more than we can handle…and for good reasons. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18 Notice what happened after Elijah awakened […]
I was gifted a Bible when I was in my 20s, but after reading the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, I heaved the book across the room, not to pick it up again until almost a decade later. Finally, when I realized God was calling me, I read the entire Bible in one year (that’s […]
Okay, you don’t really have to dance, but just get out there and DO LIFE! As I sit with a knee brace and foot problems, after an epidural, double knee injections, and cortisone in my foot…and I still don’t walk right, I think, I’m sure glad I did what I did when I did it! […]
A lot of us go through times when we put God on the back burner (I think that was my teens, 20s and good part of my 30s.) Later, when we need help or we experience pain, we don’t feel worthy of God’s help. BUT WAIT! If that’s your thinking, STOP! God wants desperately to […]
Anne Graham Lotz says in her 07/29/19 AnGel Ministries email “If we think we can avoid God by pleading indifference toward Him or ignorance of Him, we’re mistaken; both choices are indirect rejection. John makes this point when he states, ‘He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world […]