I was gifted a Bible when I was in my 20s, but after reading the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, I heaved the book across the room, not to pick it up again until almost a decade later. Finally, when I realized God was calling me, I read the entire Bible in one year (that’s easy if you’ll read 4 chapters/day, skipping 1 day/wk to go to church).
As I learned more about God and His love for us, and His will for us, I realized my behavior wasn’t matching up very well with that of a good Christian. I decided to dig deep. I asked myself questions like: if God is really speaking, was I listening the way I needed to to grow closer to Him? And, wasn’t I called to fulfill the Great Commission – to share the Gospel and help others get to know Him?
These thoughts and others inspired the writing of the Right to the Soul Bible Study Guide. I hope you’ll download it (FREE) and enjoy digging deep so that you move yourself one step closer to God and then you’ll move others a notch closer to Him also. It’s wonderfully rewarding!